David Cameron has welcomed a cat named Larry to Downing Street and, after cross-party talks,rejected renaming him Winston, a figure that had both Conservative and Liberal ancestry.
The cat, aged between three and five, was chosen after a delegation from Downing Street went
to Battersea Cats Home and staff from the home carried out a suitability check on No 10.
The cat's job is to deter the rats reportedly spotted in the building. He will be allowed to roam in No 11 too.
The prime minister's spokesman said the cost of the upkeep would not be met by the taxpayer.
Downing Street said Cameron and his two eldest children were all cat lovers.
Larry, who was a stray before being taken in by the home, was described as "chilled" by the spokesman. He did reveal, however, that Battersea staff said Larry's strong "predatory drive" should mean he will be "up for the job".
Patrick Wintour guardian.co.uk
Photograph: Pool/Reuters
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