A year later I thought about having a microchip put in, because I was going away and I didn't want other cats coming into the house and eating her food. My friend was popping in everyday to feed her.
To my horror, the vet said she was already microchipped! I couldn't understand why this hadn't been spotted before when she was ill. They said they had to get in touch with owners and may take up to 2 weeks. Luckily within 2 days, the owners were contacted and it was "crunch time" as they said they had to decide whether to take her back.
Daisy previously "Grace" had 2 other brothers and they told me they had them from kittens.
This family who only lived 4 streets away from me. They couldn't understand why I hadn't notified them of Daisy...........I didn't even know she had a chip and she had been lost for a while.
This family apparently moved here in 2006 with the cats and Daisy disappeared within 2 weeks of moving. The family said they delivered "lost" posters of the cat within a radius of 5 miles and knocked on every door. I couldn't believe this as I never knew anything of this. On top of this information, they said they had to go on holiday when they lost "Daisy" and left the in-laws to sort it out. I wonder whether they did a thorough job.
I tell you I was in fear of losing Daisy as she had been good company to me. Afterall that, the family decided to let me keep her as they said it would be too much for their kids. They had a lot of heart ache when she originally went missing and I think they didn't want to fork out the money for the vet bills.
They had already got another kitten plus the other 2 cats, and it wasn't as if they needed anymore disruption.
When I got Daisy's previous veterinary history, I found out that she was from a Cat Rescue centre as she was put there by another owner who was emigrating abroad. She had a dental infection and had to have all her teeth removed except one! So the people didn't have her as a kitten as she was born in 2002!
My mum is looking after Daisy at the moment some 100 miles away in Kent. She has settled in nicely with the other 2 male cats and even put on weight.
I was going to collect her when I go to my mum's for Christmas but I think mum is going to miss her and the other cats.
Well that's all the info I have on Daisy. I will send some carboots photos when I get a chance.
Have a good Christmas.
All the best,
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